The Adviser to the Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh, Pawan Kotwal, chaired a meeting to discuss the DPR of the processing unit at Leh.
Nishit Ranjan, Consultant of the Industries Department, gave a detailed presentation on the DPR of the unit and its various functional aspects. He informed that four units had been installed on a pilot project basis in Ladakh.
Detailed discussions and deliberations were held on every aspect of the apricot processing unit. Kotwal instructed the Director of Industries & Commerce to install the processing units in consultation with local entrepreneurs or stakeholders to benefit local apricot producers. He also directed the officials to oversee the operation of the unit after its construction.
Kotwal further instructed the Director to initiate four projects on a pilot basis and asked him to develop apricot nurseries in Ladakh.
The meeting was attended virtually and physically by Executive Councillor, LAHDC Leh, Ghulam Mehdi; Principal Secretary Sanjeev Khirwar; Secretary of Horticulture, Bhupesh Choudhary; Director of Industries & Commerce, Mohammad Nazir; Director of Horticulture, Tsewang Punchok; Councillor Kaltsi; and various stakeholders and entrepreneurs from Leh and Kargil.