Jammu: Joint Action Committee of all the frontal organizations of SCSTOBCs including socio-religious groups, retirees, youth & women wing in a heavily attended Press conference has appealed to the masses to vote in large number against the political dispensations who believe in false sloganeering, false promises and misguiding the masses through advertisements in media only regarding their agenda of development and end of terrorism in J&K post abrogation. They said that ground reality of development and end of terrorism is entirely opposite to what both central and JKUT government under Mr. Narinder Modi claims. Such repeated attempts are only misleading the SCSTOBC masses with sole attempt of luring their votes. The agenda/manifestos of all the recognized political parties in J&K more so BJP, is bundle of lies and have nothing for the welfare of SCSTOBCs and other religious minorities. If the pre-poll alliance of Congress & National Conference come to power in J&K, we hope and also advise them to focus their developmental agenda for the overall welfare of masses and in particular SCSTOBCs without false sloganeering and promises like BJP. Prof. G.L. Thapa (Working President), while elaborating on various issues said that in 25 points SANKALP PATAR of BJP, at S.No 16 they have ensured Reservation in Promotions for SCSTs and transfer policy of all employees serving in Kashmir Valley but what they have done in last ten years should be explained first.
Their LG never bothered to meet the representatives of SCSTOBCs in spite of multiple requests, none of their leaders including SCST Morcha leaders could wince words about Reservation, as well as, other welfare measures for SCSTOBCs of JKUT. Few of the SCST Morcha leaders said on record in 2018 that if reservation in promotions is not restored within shortest time, they will resign from their respective posts and their party but instead they got individual better positions in the party for playing divisive politics within SCSTs itself, they have become pimp of their bosses. They all shall be taught a good lesson by the masses in these elections.
Mohinder Bhagat, (Working General Secretary) while countering the false narratives of BJP JKUT Parbharis, their senior leader, SCSTOBC Morcha leaders who are having no mass base are trying to mislead SCSTOBCs on the basis of sub castes also, in the matter of reservation and many other issues. He said that all these leaders are speaking lie after lie during election campaigns especially on the issues of Reservation for SCSTOBCs and development without any substantial evidence of what they are speaking in the public, their sole motto is to get votes of these communities for BJP. In real sense, BJP first killed Reservation in Promotions and after that targeted direct recruitments also. He said that different Governors and the present LG who in specific never paid any heed to the demands of SCSTOBCs in connivance with bureaucrats of JKUT not only tried to bury issue of reservation in promotion in JKUT but attacked and tried to finish slowly and steadily other constitutional rights of these communities like SC Sham Bassan, said that business class, common man, employees and all other sections of the society in J&K and more so Jammuites badly suffered due to wrong policies of the present government and more so after abrogation of article 370 and downgrading of the state to UT. Thousands of kanals of land have been given at peanut rates to outsiders and favourites by the LG administration in JKJUT and the Central government under PM Modi have miserably failed to provide justice to SCSTOBCs and only false slogans have been delivered to these communities.
He said that every leader of BJP including SCSTOBC Morcha tell bundle of lies and befool the masses on development planks that in fact is routine affair of any government, But must tell what it has done for safeguarding present and future of Jammuites. He said that the terrorism have been shifted from Kashmir to Jammu and in last more than one month, there are regular encounters, our security forces are facing in the hands of terrorist, from where these terrorists have come, when BJP of claiming that they have finished militancy. He further said that it is a clear warning especially to SCSTOBC BJP Morcha leaders of BJP to stop befooling masses and stop becoming parrots of their political masters and start working on ground, otherwise their political carrier shall be finished by the masses.