Final of Christian Cup 2022 was held at Hari Singh High School , Hari Nagar on the 18 th of December 2022 . After several rounds of knock of matches the the two teams viz Christian Star Club and Khan Cricket Club .Christian Star Club won the final match . Ashish Malhotra was adjudged Man of the Match and Ambrose was adjudged man of the series .
Vikram Malhotra a prominent political figure was the Cheif guest on the occasion and Sharad Kallu Sdpo North was the guest of honour and Amit Gupta Corporator ward No 19 was the Special Guest .While speaking on the occasion Malhotra encouraged the young boys for promoting sports and lauded efforts of the Christian Cricket Club at engaging the youth in sports for healthy and better future . Sharad kallo sdpo north speaking at the event said that in present times when a lot of young boys are falling victims to drug menace the efforts of Organisations Like Christian Star Cricket Club must be appreciated for giving the right direction to the youth of the Ut .